SEMS Lab is responsible to develop knowledge and skill in systems thinking, design, and management for our graduates…
through education, research, and advocacy using the multi-dimensions modeling approaches and technology in order to design and deliver a successful engineered complex system.
SEMS is aiming to be the go-to research lab in Indonesia for developing solution models for complex systemic problems using multi-method simulation approaches. We provide these professional services equipped with unparalleled in-depth knowledge in modeling and simulation analysis.
Our History
SEMS was established as Systems Modeling Lab as one of the first laboratories at the birth of the Industrial Engineering Department in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, in 1998. Focusing first on discrete event modeling and heuristics optimization, we are growing to more diverse areas of the simulation and modeling world.
Starting with just a number of computers and located on the 2nd floor of the Industrial Engineering’s administration building in the year 2000, we are now on the 3rd Floor of the Industrial Engineering Laboratory Building.
Our Logo
To give a sense of ownership and identity to our lab members, we decided to develop a logo that we would like to be simple. (because Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, Leonardo da Vinci)
After so many debates, drafts, draughts, delays, deadlock, and all other “d”s, finally, the iron hand is deployed by the head of the lab, Mr. Akhmad, to use his design.
The logo is explained:
- the circle represents the world, circles represent multiple realities of the worlds or “virtual worlds”. In modeling, we create a virtual world or digital twin world in order to solve problems, whether it is a simulation or mathematical optimization model.
- the circles represent cycles, perfect cycles, we believe everything is already interconnected and the connection will create cycles of feedback loops
- the circle represents a whole, which is where we should start to see the problems when we use a systems approach to solve
- the circles are getting bigger to highlight the snowballing effects we are commonly found in reinforcing loops, the curvature of the circles is the representation of behavior-overtime graph which shows the dynamics of the system
- the simple black and white color, represents simplicity, which is the ultimate sophistication to achieve. the black and white thinking is the false dichotomy of assuming anything not good is evil and vice versa we remind ourselves, that no such true dichotomy exists
Our Introductory