Aditya Nursyamsi. He is a student of Industrial Engineering Universitas Indonesia batch 2013. He was graduated from 2 Senior High School Bekasi. He is famously funny and so great to be around with, which show his awesome social skills. He is also a kind-hearted, caring, smart, and diligent. People can see that he is a natural born leader, who as a leader can really listen to his group member/team mates. He can be both a firm and a nurturing leader. These all lead to his activity around Engineering faculty. He is a real active student in both inside and outside the department. Watching television series is one of his most favorite thing to do, where, eating comes second. He really loves to watch American TV series. Besides those hobbies, there are some Industrial Engineering subjects that he also loves learning. Economy, interpersonal skill, quality improvement, and design of experiment are his most favorites. Living in New York, and becoming one of apple’s or google’s board of his wild dreams. Because, when it’s not wild enough, it’s not good enough, right?
Theresa Devina. Tessa is currently in her 2nd year as Industrial Engineering Student in Universitas Indonesia. She graduated from Gonzaga College Jakarta. Her hobbies are watching movies and hang out with friends. She has a dream to be an Executif Board of one of best oil and gas company in Indonesia. His favorite subjects are Introduction to Economic and Quality System. Her favorite motto is “I can accept failure, but i can’t accept not to try” by Michael Jordan . She is an adaptive girl, delicated and responsible.
Sonny is currently a 2nd year student of University of Indonesia, majoring Industrial Engineering. Before, he was graduated from one of the best school in Palembang, SMA Xaverius 1. Sonny likes reading, singing, and hanging out with his friends. He is really good at academics, especially Operation Research, Statistic, and Quality System yet he is so humble while sharing his knowledge to his friends and giving good impact to his surroundings. His skill in managing projects makes his friends often trust him as a leader in team projects. Three words that can describe him are passionate, diligent, and reliable.
Vincencia Sydneyta. Sydney is currently the second year student at Industrial Engineering University of Indonesia. She has graduated from SMAK Penabur Harapan Indah Bekasi with high passion of public speaking. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. In Industrial Engineering University of Indonesia she has several favorite subjects, which are Interpersonal Skills, Statistics, and Production Planning and Inventory Control. In the University, she believes that the balance between academics and organization will deliver you to be better. As the result in 2015, beside the extraordinary academic record she also served as Vice Head of Association of Catholic Student in Faculty of Engineering. Three words that can describe her is Friendly, Emphatic, and Care.
Vicky Larasvasti Respati. Vicky is currently in her 2nd year as Industrial Engineering Student in Universitas Indonesia. She graduate from 70 Senior High School Jakarta. Her hobbies are swimming, diving and photography. She has a dream to going to Switzerland and be a top manager of Google. Her favorite subjects are statistic and probability, Linear Agebra, and Quality System . Her favorite motto is “I born to be something and smile wherever you are”. She is a perfectionist, cheerful and humble.
Adinda Amalia Istiqomah. Dinda is a student batch 2013 and curently in her fourth semester in Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. She graduated from 71 Jakarta Senior High School. She likes to reading books, watching movies and also travelling. Her favourite subject are Production Planning and Inventory Control, Cost Accounting, Engineering Economy and also Quality System. Her dreams after graduated are being a consultant or business woman who has her own bussiness. Her favourite quote is “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” by Benjamin Franklin, so she always prepare everythings in her daily activities. Dinda is a tactical thinker, optimist and challenging, so she want to be an influencing woman leader in Indonesia one day.
Dyasrenny Tiara Putri. Tiara is a 2nd year student of Indutrial Engineering of Universitas Indonesia, graduated from SMA 68 Jakarta. She love to take protographs and go out for culinary in any different places. She wants to continue her life working on a multinational company. She has dreams to have her own restaurant with her parents. As a 4th semester as Industrial Engineering student, she has interest to Engineering Economy and PPIC. She has a good skill on digital design and have a good taste on art. When she is described to words she is a calm, idealist, and respectful.
Annissa Tayara Callista. Yara is a sophomore in Industrial Engineering UI. She is a former Global Mandiri student, and she was the top rank at it. She got in to SEMS lab becasuse she loves to learn things about system and she really want to make a better system in life. She is a Movie Addict, so when you confuse about what to watch or whether a movie is good or not, you go ask her. Tayara is also active in many organizational and community involving art, especially in movie community. She is smart, not only academically, but also smart in giving rational advice about everything. She is a dog person, she has 2 dogs; Maple and Milo. She likes to cook and traveling, yet she is neither fat nor tanned. Her long life dreams are to build a charity foundation on her name and a dog shelter. She is very clever and efficient, she has a thought that “Why bother do more when you can do less for the same accomplishments?”
Anggit Prakoso. Graduated from 81 Senior High School Jakarta, Anggit is now continuing his studies as an Industrial Engineering student batch 2013 at the University of Indonesia. He finds a great pleasure in learning new things, and that makes him a person who looks always enthusiastic in doing anything. He is also pleased with the martial art muay thai. As an industrial engineering student, his favorite subjects so far are Operation Research, Design of Experiment, and Quality System. Anggit is active on various committees and organizations. He was a former staff of RnD division in IMTI FTUI 2014 and currently as expert staff of RnD division in IMTI FTUI 2015. His great analytical skill and composure in thinking gives him a large space in his journey achieving the dream become a world-class service consultant. In words, the descriptions of which deserve to anggit are funny, optimistic, and visionary.
Randa Adi Saputra. is Currently occupied as chief of Industrial Engineering batch 2013. Graduating from SMAN 1 Jambi. Passionate of being a chess and badminton payer. Big fan of movies. Active participants of various seminars. Randa’s big dream is to be world class management consultant. His favourite subject is DoE, OR, PPIC, and quality system. Currently he is also active as head of RnD Division IMTI FTUI 2015. To his friend, Randa is a funny, humble and smart person.
Bramka Arga Jafino. Bramka Arga Jafino is 3rd year student of Industrial Engineering, UI. He graduated from SMAN 1 Depok in 2011. So far, his favorite subjects are Operations Research and Quality Control and Assurance System. He is also very curious to learn System Dynamics and Advanced Operations Research. He plans to study abroad (in Georgia Institute of Technology or MIT System Design and Management) after getting his undergraduate degree. Currently, he is the Head of Industrial Engineering Student Body Organization. He likes listening to music, watching movies and reading books. One word best suites him is curiosity.
Reinaldo Giovanni. Most people call him Dodo. He’s now the 3rd year student of Industrial Engineering UI. On May 2011, he became an alumni of Canisius College (High School). His favorite subjects in IE are Production Planning & Inventory Control, Organization & Psychology of Industry, and Quality System. His hobbies are travelling, writing, and playing badminton. He wants to work as a consultant in Accenture. Dodo is a diligent, adaptive, and optimist person. He has two dreams to become true, lives and works in Singapore or Canada.
Muhammad Yusuf Mulyana. An undergraduate student in Universitas Indonesia. His study specially on Industrial Engineering. He graduated from SMA Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya class of 2011. So far, the subject that he likes the most is quality control and assurance system. He is also interested in learning about System thinking, System dynamics and Strategic Management. Yusuf who is really passionate about entrepreneurship now served as Board of Directore of StudentsxCEOs, a platform where students can boost-up knowledges then learn best practices directly from top business leaders in Indonesia. His big passion in entrepreneurship also lead him to build his own business and won some business competitions such as ASEANpreneurs 2011, Young Entrepreneurship Challenge HSBC 2012, BI Young Entrepreneur 2012, and Hult Prize 2013. To broaden his knowledges on entrepreneurship and business, he aims to continue his study to Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania or London Business school for MBA Degree. Besides, traveling, swimming, and Listening music are the things the he loves very much. There are three words that can describe him, it would be Curious, Calm, and Confident.
Dio Aufa Handoyo. Dio is currently living his double life as a 3rd year Industrial Enginering student and also a Youth Tourism Ambassador for Jakarta especially for the South of Jakarta. Graduated from Labschool Kebayoran High School in 2011, he chose Industrial Engineering as his college major because he pictures himself to be a top consultant especially in private equity. Having his dream that way, this guy who is really good in playing guitar puts his interests in subjects such as Quality Improvement and Operations Research. In the other hand, Dio also has a very big interest in U.S. military and once set his dream to serve as an U.S. Marine. His favorite quote is the motto of the Navy SEALs, “The only easy day is yesterday”, which explains his kind, hardworking and responsible personality.
Roja Sonaji. Roja is currently in his 3rd year as an industrial engineering student. He was graduated from SMAN 81 Jakarta. He loves introduction of economics as his favorite subject. In his sparetime, he likes watching movies and listening to music. His motivation for joining SEMS-Lab researcher assistant because he wants to be a part of inspiring people just like all of researchers inside. In the future, he captures himself as a production manager of multinational company.
Taufiqi Akmal. He is currently a 3rd year student in IEUI. Most people call him Akmal. He graduated from Senior High School in SMAI Lazuardi GIS on 2011. His hobbies are playing basketball, playing futsal, listening to music and playing golf. Working in a multinational company is one of his dreams. His favorite subjects in IEUI are Quality Control & Assurance System and Production Planning & Inventory Control. SEMS lab conduces a good atmosphere for knowledge sharing and character building that can be useful for his future, so that is why he decided to join with this lab.
Achmad Yusaq Faiz Fadin. Yusaq is third year student of Industrial Engineering, UI. Most of people call him Yusaq. On June 2011, he became an alumni of SMAN 1 Bekasi. So far his favorite subject is System Engineering, Quality Control and Assurance System, Production Planning and Inventory Control and also Production System. Yusaq always do care about things around him and always want to make things better. Three word best suites him is caring , hardworking and open-minded. After his study in IE UI , he plans to study abroad for Mater Degree (MBA) in Cornell University.
Silvano Christian. Silvano is 3rd year student of Industrial Engineering, UI. He is one of Canisius College (High School) alumni. His favourite subjects in IE are Production Planning & Inventory Control, and Quality Systems. His hobbies are racing, music, and playing table tennis. Silvano is a hardworker and really dedicated, you can see it from his achievement. Which help him to be a national and asian karting champion and represent Indonesia in an international level. He is planning to work on manufacturing industry.
Rizqi Priandica Poetra. After graduated from SMAN 81 Jakarta, Rizqi is now currently in his 6th semester majoring Industrial Engineering in Universitas Indonesia. Always striving for academic excellence, his most favorite subjects are Financial System and Investment, System Engineering, and Industrial Feasibility Analysis. During his spare time, Rizqi likes to sing as he is still active member of Paragita Student Choir. Becoming a business consultant is his ultimate dream with ‘Carpe Diem’ that has always triggered him to make the best of everyday. Honest, highly motivated, and helpful are three characteristics that best describe him. In the future, he pictures himself to be a great father while still pursuing his successful career path in business consulting.
Bonardo Jonathan Siahaan. Bonardo joined the Universitas Indonesia in 2011. He graduated from SMA St. Thomas 1 Medan. His favorite subjects are Quality Control & Assurance System, Feasibility Study, and System Engineering. In 8 years later he is planning to continue study abroad and works in multinational company. Bonardo is friendly & funny person. He loves to the harmonious music, both to listen and playing the nodes. He also a sporty man, in his spare time he does a lot of sports such as futsal, swimming, badminton, etc. His life’s quote is “We don’t know when we’ll gonna passed, so do the best to your sorroundings.”
Arry Rahmawan. Arry is currently in his 3rd year as an industrial engineering student in University of Indonesia. He was graduated from SMAN 1 Bogor in 2009. His favourite subjects in IE are QCAS, Interpersonal Skills, System Modelling, Design of Experiment, and Production Planning and Inventory Control. Arry is vice-president of CEDS (Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Studies). He owns some business like motivation training and publishing house. He conducts motivation training for high school student two or tree times in a week. In 5 – 10 years from now, he wants to expand his business and continue his study in Singapore or Australia majoring in Business Management. 3 words that describe Arry the most are curious, active, and good motivator.
Candra Bangun Wiguna. Candra is a graduate student of Industrial Engineering Universitas Indonesia. His bachelor degree was also from the same major. He developped the serious simulation game of fleet management role in the distribution and logistics as his final project in his bachelor degree. The fleet management game from his final project makes him to be the first winner of ALI Award SISLOGNAS is 2013. He currently analyze the impact of Indonesia main shipping route as his thesis. His hobbies are swimming, gunpla model kit, yugioh trading card game, and watching movies. He plans to work on multinational company in logistics department while making his own business based on his hobbies.
Alvin Goputra. He is currently last year student in Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Indonesia. His final year project is about container stacking modeling at Tanjung Priok Port using discrete event simulation approach. He was graduated from Canisius College Senior High School in 2010. In his spare time, he likes to play football and swimming.
Gede Arya Satya Dharma. Ary was graduated from SMAN 1 Mataram, NTB. his favorite subjects are Engineering Economy and System Modelling. He joins SEMS Lab because of his interest in modelling. In the future, he wants to work in a multinational company. He loves to play soccer, swimming and watching movies.
Aqmayrina. Aqmayrina is currently studying as a final year student in Industrial Engineering UI. She had graduated from SMAN 8 Jakarta. Her hobbies are reading novels and having interest in any kind of music. Her favorite subject is Quality Control and Assurance System, System Modelling, and System Engineering. Habing interest in area of transportation modelling motivated her to become Lab Assistant in SEMS Lab. talking about the future, she captured herself as a succesful business woman who works in multinational company.
Santo Fredy. Santo Freddy or commonly called Santo is currently a 4th year at Industrial Engineering Universitas Indonesia and now he working on his thesis in risk management. He was graduated from SMAN 8 Jakarta. He often spent his spare time by playing futsal, travelling and adventuring with his friends. His favourite subjects in IE are Quality Control and Assurance System, System Modelling, Production Planning and Inventory Control and Operation Research. He wants to work in Energy sector and study abroad in the future. He has a dream that may have not been able he give today but someday will be realized, is to appease his parents.
Wulan Maulidiah. Wulan is currently studying in 8th semester at Industrial Engineering Universitas Indonesia. Along with that, she is also undergoing her first year as a master student of Fast Track Program at the same major. She had graduated from SMAN 1 Depok in 2010. Her hobies are reading books and watching movies. Operation Research, Quality Control and Assurance System, and Production Planning and Inventory Control are her favorite subjects. After finishing her study in IEUI, she wants to experience working in multinational company and also plans to continue her study abroad.
Andreas Yanuar Hanaekan Nainggolan. Andreas is a 4th year Industrial Engineering. He finished his Senior High School period in SMAN 1 Tangerang on 2010. His favorite subjects are Quality Control & Assurance System, System Modelling and Corporate Finance. He joined SEMS lab because of the knowledge sharing , disussion atmosphere and character building in this lab.
He loves reading books, listening music, and learning foreign languages.
He has a dream to work in a multinational company, bring his family abroad and continue his study and then back to serve Indonesia.
Tubagus Ahmad Chair Chaulan. Tubagus or usually called Tebe, is in his third year as an Industrial Engineering student. Tebe was graduated from SMAN 39 Jakarta. Tebe whose hobby is playing video games, has already loved math since he was in senior high school. His love in math continued in college by loving operation research and modeling. He joined SEMS because of his interest in modeling. His plan is making his own business after finishing the college. He is a smart and cooperative person.
Ulya Khairani
Uli graduated from SMA N 81 Jakarta. Her favorite subjects are system engineering, system dynamics, organization and psychology industry, quality system, interpersonal skills, and also production planning and inventory control. She likes anything related to art design, such as drawing, sketching, photography, and handicraft. Besides, she loves to join in any public activities that involve many people with different personality and specialization since she has great passion in public relation and communication. She has already joined in student consulting club (SCC) Industrial Engineering University of Indonesia as an external relation manager and has plan to work in multinational consumer goods company as soon as graduate from Industrial Engineering UI.
Grace Anastasia
Grace is an alumni from SCI class of SMAN 78 Jakarta. She likes playing and watching badminton matches in her spare time. Her favorite subjects are Production Planning and Inventory Control, Engineering Economy, and Operation Research. One of motivational phrases for her is do your best even though you’re not the best.
Kezia Saraswati
Kezia is currently a 3rd year industrial engineering student with impeccable academic and organizational records. Her favorite subjects so far are quality improvement, operations research, and design of experiments. She likes to read books, watch movies, and play with her numerous cats on her spare time. She pictures herself as a careerist in a multinational service company in five years. Words that describes her best are responsible and caring.
Benita Dian Purnamasari
Benita had studied at SMAN 14 Jakarta. Her hobbies is reading books. So far, her favorite subject are Quality Control and Assurance System and Interpersonal Skills. She wants study abroad in the future to get a master degree. Now she prepares about language and she ables to speak French. She is always eager to learn and like working with people and enjoy group projects. For describe her in 3 words, it would be dilligent, studious and focused.
Hasna Afifah
Hasna, graduated from Labschool Jakarta Senior High School through acceleration class. Hasna chooses to study industrial engineering because she’s interested by the field of knowledge that this major offers, especially in system engineering. So far her favorite subject are cost accounting and operation research. After she get her undergraduate degree, Hasna plans on studying abroad taking on business major, this is because she wants to be a consultant which has a vast knowledge not only in engineering but also in economy. In her leisure time, Hasna enjoys photography, travelling, and learning foreign languages. Her motto in life is that efforts never betray.
Wildana Ramadhani
Wildana is graduated from SMA 81 Jakarta in 2011. She is a very open-minded person. She love music, especially classical, art and craft, making batik is one of her hobbies. So far, the subject she loves the most is Operation Research. She joined SEMS Laboratory because of her curiousity in System Engineering. She is planning to be one of BoD in automotive industries.
Eka Nugraha Putra
Eka was graduated from SMAN 5 Bandung. His motto is Things are not right or wrong they’re just different. Reading, travelling and internet browsing are his hobbies. His favorite subjects is IE are Quality Control and Assurance System, Cost Accounting and Operation Research. Three words that describe him are neat, responsive, and charismatic. In the next 10 years, he capture himself as a top management in multinational consumer goods company.
Ferinda Partiningrum Lestari
Erin had studied at SMAN 8 Jakarta. The subject she likes the most is Operation Research. She has a dream to become credit analyst. Her hobbies is dancing, reading, and writing. Her motivation of becoming a research assistant in SEMS-LAB is that she is interested in modelling studies. Therefore, she want to do research about agent-based modelling
Reiner Agastya
Agas was graduated from SMA 1 Magelang in 2010. So far, his favourite subject is corporate finance. He plans to continue his study abroad after graduate from bachelor degree. He has several hobbies such as playing basketball and watch movies. His motivation to join SEMS Lab is to learn more about system and planning his future research about cash circulation simulation. Agas is completely a sportive and active student.
Intan Elfrieda Chaerunnisa
Intan was graduated from SMAK 7 Penabur Jakarta in 2010. So far, her favorite subject is Quality Control & Assurance System. She wishes that in the future she could study abroad, majoring in business, work in a multinational company, and build her own business. She likes watching movies a lot. That’s why she chooses to go to the cinema on her spare time or go having a quality time with her family or best friends.
Gersianto B.
Gersi graduated from SMAN 8 Jakarta in 2007. His favourite subjects so far in IE are Quality System, Knowledge Management, and System Thinking. His interest is in Business Information and Knowledge Management System.
Gersi wishes that in the future he could be a business consultant, and at some point, return to his beloved IE UI to play a role as a lecturer. Gersi is a football addict. He likes to watch and analyse football matches. In his spare time, he likes to play guitar .
Chintya Asri
Daril B Y B.
Ajeng Masitha
Ajeng was graduated from SMAN 78 Jakarta in 2008. So far, her favourite subjects in IE are Operation Research and System Thinking because they are the core competence of IE.
Ajeng wants to be a consultant after she finishes her college. She likes to eat good food and drawing in her spare time.
Aninditha Kemala D
Ditha graduated from SMAN 70 Jakarta in 2008.
She likes reading & watching movies, and also traveling. Ice cream & Chocolate are her favorite mood boosters. Moreover, she is interested in things related to people & system thinking.
Dhanita Fauziah
Dhanita was graduated from SMAN 1 Bekasi in 2008.
So far, her favourite subjects are System Thinking, Marketing, and Product Design. She wants to be a consultant after she finishes her study. She likes tutoring and drawing in her spare time.
Irvanu Rahman
Irvanu is one of SEMS Lab research assistants. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering on 2012. Regarding to his own research interest in system analysis, he developed a sustainability urban model to support policy making of climate change mitigation strategies in Jakarta. Currently, Irvanu is working as a Researcher at the SEMS Lab University of Indonesia.
Laisha Tatia
Laisha graduated from SMU Al-Azhar Pusat in 2008. So far, her favourite subjects in IE are System Thinking and Quality System.
In the future, she wishes to be a career woman in a bonafide company and at the same time launching her own fashion, food, and other business brands. In her spare time, she likes to shop and design. She also has a knack in culinary.
Oktioza Pratama
Oza graduated from SMAN 1 Cilegon, thus he came from Cilegon. His favourite subject in IE so far is Operational Research and he also has an interest in Supply Chain Management. He wishes that one day he could work for a bonafide international company.
He is an adept Badminton and Futsal player and likes to play either one of them in his spare time. He also like reading books and exploring about IE.
Ricky Mulyadi
Ricky graduated from SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung in 2008. His favorite subjects are Quality Control and Assurance System, and Corporate Finance.
Ricki likes to play badminton and futsal in his spare time.
Stefan Darmansyah
Stefan currently holds the coordinator of the assistant lab team. He is a “serious” fellow, however still “occasionally” laugh when it is appropriate and expected too.
Stefan graduated from SMA BPK Penabur 1 in 2008.
Tyonardo Cahayadi
Tyo graduated from SMA St. Laurensia in 2008. So far, his favorite subject is Quality Control and Assurance System.
He loves to read in his spare time, and he also like to makes fun of things.
Rama Raditya.
He finished his bachelor degree in 2012 UI and his continue his master degree in 2013 IE UI. His research interest is in simulation gaming, sustainable supply chain and systems dynamics.
Diana Wangsa
.Diana Wangsa or usually called Diana is a 3rd year student of Industrial Engineering, UI. She was graduated from SMAK 3 Penabur in 2009. Her favorite subject so far in IE are Production Planning & Inventory Control and System Modeling.
After finishing her undergraduate study, she is planning to continue at graduate school abroad. By joining SEMS Lab she wants to develop her knowledge, skill, and also character.
Diana is a very kind and also sporty girl, in her spare time she does a lot of sports such as basketball, futsal, etc. She has joined a couple of sport competitions at campus.
Edelina Melisa.
Edelina graduated from SMA Labschool Kebayoran in 2009. Edelina is very adaptive and she can communicates easily with people. She has a quite high sense of curiosity and it makes her like to try new things. She is creative, smart, and talkative. She also likes to eat, listen to music and sing along with it, and also watch movies.
Edelina wants to work at a multinational company after finishing her college, then get a master degree afterwards. She wants to work and study abroad in the future.
Muhammad Harisuddin
Haris came from SMAN 8 Jakarta. His favourite subjects are Product Design, System Modelling, Supply Chain Management. Three words that describe himself are peace, positive, and optimist.
In the next 10 years ahead, he picture himself as one of Board of Directors of a multinational consumer goods company.
Daisy Nadia.
Most people call her Eci. Eci is currently in her 3rd year as an Industrial Engineering Student of UI. She graduated from SMA Negeri 81 Jakarta class of 2009. So far, her favourite subject is Industrial Strategic Management and System Thinking. The one and only of her hobby is traveling. However, she wants to conduct her own business in the future. Eci is a sociable, adaptive, and easily changes strangers into acquaintances. If she describes herself in one word, it would be “determined”.
Christian Susanto
Christian graduated from SMA Kristen Yusuf Jakarta on 2009. The most favorite thing in SEMS Lab for him is its comfortable atmospher to learn. So far, the subjects he loves the most are Quality Improvement and Assurance System, Engineering Economy, and System Modelling. He loves playing game, reading, eating, and master softwares.
Yulius Putra
Yulius came from Medan, he was goint to SMA Sutomo 1 Medan. He really likes playing badminton and reading. His favorite author is Donald Trump. His favorite subject on IE is Quality Control and Assurance System (QCAS), Design and Analysis of Experiments, and Operation Research