Our Research
Research on Complex Systems
Our research aims to build knowledge and experience in the application of models to support decision and policy making
We have chosen 4 focus areas of our research Service Systems Engineering and Management, Industrial Sustainability and Resilience, Clean and Renewable, and Ports, Logistics and Supply Chain. In addition to the 4 focus areas, we have Serious Simulation Gaming (SSG) Research area. SSG is an extention from each research areas as our effort to make sure that the knowledge that we gather from our research can be transferable to the public.
Our research also aims to develop skills and capabilities in multiple modeling approach.
A good technical side would allow to avoid the trap: “when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. Model approach and methods must fit with what the problems needs.
When you develop a model to solve problem or make policy decisions, you somehow has to understand the problem or policy itself. You must become an expert as quickly as possible with a system perspective. Therefore, knowledge library is important to jump start this process.
Podcast on Gamification for Training with Jakarta Productivity Development Center
SEMS Lab, with Jakarta's Productivity Development Center (P3D), conducted a
SEMS Paper: Investigating policies on increasing the adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia
The transition to electric mobility has been encouraged to curb
SEMS Paper: Evaluating feed-in tariff policies on enhancing geothermal development in Indonesia
Geothermal is vital for sustainably meeting Indonesia's energy demand, given
Maritime Cluster Development Model: A Catalyst for Indonesia’s Economic Growth
Talking about cluster, the first thing that comes to your
SEMS Paper: Bi-objective Recoverable Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Planning under Environmental Uncertainty
This study discusses the development of tactical-level integrated planning at
SEMS Paper: Risk analysis approach to identifying actions that reduce waste for a Lean agricultural supply chain
Purpose: In this study, we examine the food loss food