SEMS Lab would like to congratulate our Laboratory Assistants who graduated and earned their Bachelor’s Degrees in the 2nd Semester of 2022. We wish you the best in your next journey
Amalia Nan Renjana, S.T.
Andi Muhammad Rifki, S.T.
Andrew Reynaldo Tanujaya, S.T.
Aura Diandra Sabrina, S.T.
Azmi Jundan Taqiy, S.T.
Daffa Alif Pratama, S.T.
Daniel Martua Matthew Simatupang, S.T.
Farah Fabilah Irdeva, S.T.
Fariz Abdillah Wiratama, S.T.
Kynanda Ivandi Ramadhan. S.T.
Muhammad Fauzan, S.T.
Natasya Kamil Salsabila, S.T.
Sausan Nurnadya, S.T.
Yazeedrana Pancasakti, S.T.
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