SEMS Lab, with Jakarta’s Productivity Development Center (P3D), conducted a video podcast on Gamification for Productivity Training. The full discussion video in Bahasa Indonesia can be watched here on YouTube. The episode features a panel discussion with experts from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Indonesia (UI) about the importance of gamification as a tool for productivity training. The discussion focuses on how gamification and serious simulation games can enhance the learning experience and improve knowledge transfer in educational and professional settings. The experts argue that gamification techniques, which integrate game mechanics into training programs, can effectively motivate participants, increase engagement, and facilitate a more enjoyable learning experience. The podcast highlights the potential of gamification to address common challenges in training, such as the difficulty of transferring complex knowledge and the need for engaging adults who may be disinclined to traditional learning methods.
The panel emphasizes the significance of tailoring gamification approaches to specific learning objectives and participant profiles, underscoring the importance of adaptability and flexibility in designing effective gamified training programs. Ultimately, the episode emphasizes the value of gamification as a tool for fostering greater productivity and knowledge dissemination within the Jakarta business community.
You can listen to the English version generated by AI on the full-length video:
For those who want to watch the video in Bahasa Indonesia:
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